Source code for pyticketswitch.client

import decimal
import requests
import logging
import six
import pyticketswitch
from pyticketswitch import exceptions, utils
from pyticketswitch.availability import AvailabilityMeta
from pyticketswitch.callout import Callout
from pyticketswitch.cancellation import CancellationResult
from pyticketswitch.currency import CurrencyMeta
from import Discount
from pyticketswitch.event import Event, EventMeta
from pyticketswitch.month import Month
from pyticketswitch.performance import Performance, PerformanceMeta
from pyticketswitch.reservation import Reservation
from pyticketswitch.send_method import SendMethod
from pyticketswitch.status import Status
from pyticketswitch.ticket_type import TicketType
from pyticketswitch.trolley import Trolley
from pyticketswitch.user import User

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

POST = 'post'
GET = 'get'

[docs]class Client(object): """Client wraps the ticketswitch f13 API. Client contains auth details and provides helper methods for calling the f13 endpoints. Attributes: user (str): user id used to connect to the api. password (str): Password for the user used to connect to the api. url (:obj:`str`, optional): Root url for the API. Defaults to sub_user (:obj:`str`, optional): the sub user is used to indicate a specific agent of the holder of the main users account requests is being made for. For example a travel agent might hold the main account but an agent in the london office might specify `london` as their sub user, whereas an agent in belfast might specify `belfast` or even something more specific. Defaults to None language (:obj:`str`, optional): prefered IETF language tag. When available this will translate text to the specified language. When None language defaults to user's preference. Defaults to None. tracking_id (:obj:`str`, optional): a tracking ID to use with requests use_decimal (bool): parse JSON numbers as decimal. Default is `False` but this use is deprecated and decimals are recommended. **kwargs: Additional arbitrary key word arguments to keep with the object. """ def __init__(self, user, password, url=DEFAULT_ROOT_URL, sub_user=None, language=None, tracking_id=None, use_decimal=False, **kwargs): self.user = user self.password = password self.url = url self.sub_user = sub_user self.language = language self.tracking_id = tracking_id self.use_decimal = use_decimal self.kwargs = kwargs
[docs] def get_url(self, end_point): """Get the url for a given endpoint Args: end_point (str): the target api end point, for example events.v1 or performances.v1 Returns: str: the full url for the given endpoint, contains the base url and endpoint """ url = "{url}/f13/{end_point}/".format( url=self.url, end_point=end_point, ) return url
[docs] @utils.deprecated def get_auth_params(self): """Get the authentication parameters for inclusion in requests. **This method is deprecated** - please use `get_extra_params` instead. This this method is intended to be overwritten if additional/alternative auth params need to be provided Returns: dict: auth params that passed to requests """ return {}
[docs] def get_extra_params(self): """Get additional parameters for inclusion in requests. This method is intended to be overwritten if additional/alternative parameters need to be provided in the query string or POST body. Returns: dict: parameters that will be included in the request """ extra_params = {} # Call the deprecated method if it has been overridden if not hasattr(self.get_auth_params, 'is_deprecated'): utils.deprecation_warning( "Function get_auth_params() is deprecated and should not be used", stacklevel=3 ) extra_params.update(self.get_auth_params()) elif self.sub_user: extra_params.update(sub_id=self.sub_user) return extra_params
[docs] def get_auth(self): """Get the authentication parameter for the raw request This method is intended to be overwritten if required. Returns: :class:`requests.auth.AuthBase`: the authentication parameter accepted by the `requests` module """ if self.user and self.password: return (self.user.encode("utf-8"), self.password.encode("utf-8"))
[docs] def get_user_agent(self): """Get the user agent for the raw request This method is intended to be overwritten by subclasses that want a custom User-Agent header for the requests Returns: :str: the user agent string """ return "pyticketswitch {}".format(pyticketswitch.__version__)
[docs] def get_headers(self, headers): """Generate common headers to send with all requests Returns: dict: key value map of headers """ if self.language: headers.update({'Accept-Language': self.language}) # Modify user agent to report Pyticketswitch version headers.update({ 'User-Agent': self.get_user_agent() }) return headers
[docs] def get_tracking_params(self, custom_tracking_id=None): """ Return current request's session tracking id or custom tracking id passed """ tracking_id = custom_tracking_id or self.tracking_id if tracking_id: return {"tsw_session_track_id": tracking_id} return {}
[docs] def get_session(self): """Get the requests.Session instance to use to make HTTP requests By default this method will create a new session for each request. This replicates the default behaviour of the requests library: A common modification to this class would be to overload this method to provide a single session instance across all calls to take advantage of keep-alive. .. note:: remember to also overload :meth:`cleanup_session <pyticketswitch.client.Client.cleanup_session>` as well or you connections/session might be unexpectedly killed. """ return requests.Session()
[docs] def cleanup_session(self, session): """Cleans up sessions so that we don't leave open sockets. If you want to add support for persistent connections, then you should noop this method so it does nothing. Args: session (:class:`requests.Session`): the http session to clean up. """ logger.debug('requests session cleaning up') session.close()
[docs] def make_request(self, endpoint, params, method=GET, headers={}, timeout=None): """Makes actual requests to the API Args: endpoint (str): target API endpoint params (dict): parameters to provide to requests method (str): HTTP method to make the request with valid values are ``post`` and ``get``. Defaults to ``get``. headers (dict): headers to include with the request timeout (int): timeout to include with the request. Defaults to ``None``. Returns: str: The body of the response after deserialising from JSON Raises: AuthenticationError: When authentication details provided are invalid InvalidResponseError: When the status code of the response is not 200 APIError: When any other explict errors are returned from the API """ url = self.get_url(endpoint) params.update(self.get_extra_params()) if not params.get('tsw_session_track_id'): params.update(self.get_tracking_params()) logger.debug(u'url: %s; endpoint: %s; params: %s', self.url, endpoint, params) raw_headers = self.get_headers(headers) auth = self.get_auth() session = self.get_session() if method == POST: response =, auth=auth, data=params, headers=raw_headers, timeout=timeout) else: response = session.get(url, auth=auth, params=params, headers=raw_headers, timeout=timeout) logger.debug(six.u(response.content)) self.cleanup_session(session) parse_float = decimal.Decimal if self.use_decimal else float try: contents = response.json(parse_float=parse_float) except ValueError: raise exceptions.InvalidResponseError( ("Unable to parse json data from {} response with status " "code `{}`").format( endpoint, response.status_code, ) ) if 'error_code' in contents: if contents['error_code'] == 3: raise exceptions.AuthenticationError( contents['error_desc'], contents['error_code'], response, ) if response.status_code == 410: raise exceptions.CallbackGoneError( contents['error_desc'], contents['error_code'], response, ) raise exceptions.APIError( contents['error_desc'], contents['error_code'], response, ) if response.status_code != 200: raise exceptions.InvalidResponseError( "got status code `{}` from {}".format( response.status_code, endpoint, ) ) return contents
[docs] def test(self): """Test the connection Wraps `/f13/test.v1`_ will return the running user on sucess and will raise an exception if the authentication details are invalid. This call is not required, but may be useful for validating auth credentials, or checking on the health of the ticketswitch API. Returns: :obj:`pyticketswitch.user.User`: details about the user calling the API .. _`/f13/test.v1`: """ response = self.make_request('test.v1', {}) user = User.from_api_data(response) return user
[docs] def add_optional_kwargs(self, params, availability=False, availability_with_performances=False, extra_info=False, reviews=False, media=False, cost_range=False, best_value_offer=False, max_saving_offer=False, min_cost_offer=False, top_price_offer=False, no_singles_data=False, cost_range_details=False, source_info=False, tracking_id=None, **kwargs): """Adds additional arguments to the requests. All client methods will take several optional arguments that will extend the data returned with addtional information about the returned objects. Generally these are applicable to objects that return events, however some arguments will also augment performances, cost ranges, and availability details. `See the main F13 documentation for more details. <>`_ Args: params (dict): The parameters dictionary into which any additional paramters will be added availability (bool): Includes general information about availability of events and performances. availability_with_performances (bool): Includes detailed information about avilability of events and includes performance information. extra_info (bool): Includes additional event textual content. Defaults to :obj:`False`. reviews (bool): Includes event reviews when available. Defaults to :obj:`False`. media (bool): Includes any media assets associated with an event. Defaults to :obj:`False`. cost_range (bool): Include price range estimates. Defaults to :obj:`False`. best_value_offer (bool): requires **cost_range**. Includes the offer with the highest percentage saving in cost range information. Defaults to :obj:`False`. max_saving_offer (bool): requires **cost_range**. Includes the offer with the highest absolute saving in cost range information. Defaults to :obj:`False`. min_cost_offer (bool): requires **cost_range**. Includes the offer with the lowest cost in cost range information. Defaults to :obj:`False`. top_price_offer (bool): requires **cost_range**. Includes the offer with the highest cost in cost range information. Defaults to :obj:`False`. no_singles_data (bool): requires **cost_range**. This returns another cost range object that excludes availability with only one consecutive seat available. Defaults to :obj:`False`. cost_range_details (bool): Cost range information for each available price band. Defaults to :obj:`False`. source_info (bool): includes information on the source system. defaults to :obj:`false`. tracking_id (string): Add custom tracking id to the request **kwargs: Additional or override parameters to send with the request. """ if extra_info: params.update(req_extra_info=True) if reviews: params.update(req_reviews=True) if media: params.update({ 'req_media_triplet_one': True, 'req_media_triplet_two': True, 'req_media_triplet_three': True, 'req_media_triplet_four': True, 'req_media_triplet_five': True, 'req_media_triplet_one_wide': True, 'req_media_triplet_two_wide': True, 'req_media_triplet_three_wide': True, 'req_media_triplet_four_wide': True, 'req_media_triplet_five_wide': True, 'req_media_seating_plan': True, 'req_media_square': True, 'req_media_landscape': True, 'req_media_marquee': True, 'req_video_iframe': True, 'req_media_supplier': True, }) if cost_range: params.update(req_cost_range=True) if best_value_offer: params.update(req_cost_range_best_value_offer=True, req_cost_range=True) if max_saving_offer: params.update(req_cost_range_max_saving_offer=True, req_cost_range=True) if min_cost_offer: params.update(req_cost_range_min_cost_offer=True, req_cost_range=True) if top_price_offer: params.update(req_cost_range_top_price_offer=True, req_cost_range=True) if no_singles_data: params.update(req_cost_range_no_singles_data=True, req_cost_range=True) if cost_range_details: params.update(req_cost_range_details=True) if availability: params.update(req_avail_details=True) if availability_with_performances: params.update(req_avail_details=True, req_avail_details_with_perfs=True) if tracking_id: params.update(self.get_tracking_params( custom_tracking_id=tracking_id)) if source_info: params.update(req_src_info=True) params.update(kwargs)
[docs] def list_events(self, keywords=None, start_date=None, end_date=None, country_code=None, city_code=None, latitude=None, longitude=None, radius=None, include_dead=False, sort_order=None, page=0, page_length=0, **kwargs): """List events with the given parameters Wraps `/f13/events.v1`_ Called with out arguments this method will return all live events available to the user. Args: keywords (list): list of keyword strings. For example: ``keywords=['sadlers', 'nutcracker']``. Defaults to :obj:`None`. start_date (datetime.datetime): only show events that have a performance after this date. Defaults to :obj:`None`. end_date (datetime.datetime): only show events that have a performance before this date. Defaults to :obj:`None`. country_code (string): only show events in this country. the country is specified by it's ISO 3166-1 country code. Defaults to :obj:`None`. city_code: (string): specified by the internal city code. As a rule of thumb this is the lowercase city name followed by a hyphen followed by the ISO 3166-1 country code. For example: ``london-uk``, ``new_york-us``, ``berlin-de``. Defaults to :obj:`None`. latitude (float): only show events near this latitude. valid only in combination with longitude and radius. Defaults to :obj:`None`. longitude (float): only show events near this longitude. valid only in combination with latitude and radius. Defaults to :obj:`None`. radius (float): only show events inside this radius relative to the provided coordinates (latitude & longitude above). Units are kilometers. Defaults to :obj:`None`. include_dead (bool): when true results will include all events even if they are dead (are unavailable to purchase from). Defaults to :obj:`False`. sort_order (string): order the returned events by the specified metric. See :ref:`sorting search results <sorting_search_results>`. Defaults to :obj:`None` page (int): the page of a paginated response. page_length (int): how many performances are returned per page. **kwargs: see :meth: `add_optional_kwargs <pyticketswitch.client.Client.add_optional_kwargs>` for more info. Returns: list, :class:`EventMeta <pyticketswitch.event.EventMeta>`: a list of :class:`Events <pyticketswitch.event.Event>` objects and meta information for those events. Raises: InvalidGeoParameters: when latitude, longitude, or radius is specified without the rest of the required geographic parameters. InvalidResponse: when the response is in an unexpected format .. _`/f13/events.v1`: """ params = {} if keywords: params.update(keywords=','.join(keywords)) if start_date or end_date: params.update(date_range=utils.date_range_str(start_date, end_date)) if country_code: params.update(country_code=country_code) if city_code: params.update(city_code=city_code) if all([latitude, longitude, radius]): params.update(circle='{lat}:{lon}:{rad}'.format( lat=latitude, lon=longitude, rad=radius, )) elif any([latitude, longitude, radius]): raise exceptions.InvalidGeoParameters( 'Geo data must include latitude, longitude, and radius', ) if include_dead: params.update(include_dead=True) if sort_order: params.update(sort_order=sort_order) if page > 0: params.update(page_no=page) if page_length > 0: params.update(page_len=page_length) self.add_optional_kwargs(params, **kwargs) response = self.make_request('events.v1', params) if 'results' not in response: raise exceptions.InvalidResponseError( "got no results key in json response" ) result = response.get('results', {}) raw_events = result.get('event', []) events = [ Event.from_api_data(data) for data in raw_events ] meta = EventMeta.from_api_data(response) return events, meta
[docs] def get_events(self, event_ids, with_addons=False, with_upsells=False, **kwargs): """Get events with the given id's Wraps `/f13/events_by_id.v1`_ Args: event_ids (list): list of event IDs with_addons (bool): include add-on events with_upsells (bool): include upsell events **kwargs: see :meth: `add_optional_kwargs <pyticketswitch.client.Client.add_optional_kwargs>` for more info. Returns: dict, :class:`EventMeta <pyticketswitch.event.EventMeta>`: :class:`Events <pyticketswitch.event.Event>` indexed by event ID and meta information for those events. Raises: InvalidResponse: when the response is in an unexpected format .. _`/f13/events_by_id.v1`: """ params = {} if event_ids: params.update(event_id_list=','.join(event_ids)) self.add_optional_kwargs(params, **kwargs) if with_addons: params.update(add_add_ons=with_addons) if with_upsells: params.update(add_upsells=with_upsells) response = self.make_request('events_by_id.v1', params) if 'events_by_id' not in response: raise exceptions.InvalidResponseError( "got no events_by_id key in json response" ) events_by_id = response.get('events_by_id', {}) events = { event_id: Event.from_events_by_id_api_data(raw_event) for event_id, raw_event in events_by_id.items() if raw_event.get('event') } meta = EventMeta.from_api_data(response) return events, meta
[docs] def get_event(self, event_id, **kwargs): """Get a specific event by id Helper method to avoid having to do something like this lots of times:: >>> client.get_events(['6IF'])['6IF'] <Event 6IF:Matthew Bourne's Nutcracker TEST> Instead this interface is much less stuttery:: >>> client.get_event('6IF') <Event 6IF:Matthew Bourne's Nutcracker TEST> Args: event_id (str): ID of the event to retrieve **kwargs: see :meth: `add_optional_kwargs <pyticketswitch.client.Client.add_optional_kwargs>` for more info. Returns: :class:`Event <pyticketswitch.event.Event>`, :class:`EventMeta <pyticketswitch.event.EventMeta>`: the target event and meta information about the event. will return :obj:`None` if the event does not exist. """ events, meta = self.get_events([event_id], **kwargs) return events.get(event_id), meta
[docs] def get_months(self, event_id, **kwargs): """Returns a summary of availability accross months. Wraps `/f13/months.v1`_ Args: event_id (str): ID of the event to retrieve **kwargs: see :meth: `add_optional_kwargs <pyticketswitch.client.Client.add_optional_kwargs>` for more info. Returns: list: :class:`Months <pyticketswitch.month.Month>` ordered chronologically Raises: InvalidResponse: when the response is in an unexpected format .. _`/f13/months.v1`: """ params = {'event_id': event_id} self.add_optional_kwargs(params, **kwargs) response = self.make_request('months.v1', params) if 'results' not in response: raise exceptions.InvalidResponseError( "got no results key in json response" ) result = response.get('results', {}) raw_months = result.get('month', []) months = [ Month.from_api_data(data) for data in raw_months ] return months
[docs] def list_performances(self, event_id, start_date=None, end_date=None, page_length=0, page=0, **kwargs): """List performances for a specified event Wraps `/f13/performances.v1`_ Args: event_id (str): identifier for the event. start_date (datetime.datetime): list performances only if they occur after this date. end_date (datetime.datetime): list performances only if they occur before this date. page (int): the page of a paginated response. page_length (int): how many performances are returned per page. **kwargs: see :meth: `add_optional_kwargs <pyticketswitch.client.Client.add_optional_kwargs>` for more info. Returns: list, :class:`PerformanceMeta <pyticketswitch.performance.PerformanceMeta>`: A list of :class:`Performances <pyticketswitch.performance.Performance>` for the given event and meta information about the performances. Raises: InvalidResponse: when the response is in an unexpected format .. _`/f13/performances.v1`: """ params = {'event_id': event_id} if page > 0: params.update(page_no=page) if page_length > 0: params.update(page_len=page_length) if start_date or end_date: params.update(date_range=utils.date_range_str(start_date, end_date)) self.add_optional_kwargs(params, **kwargs) response = self.make_request('performances.v1', params) if 'results' not in response: raise exceptions.InvalidResponseError( "got no results key in json response" ) result = response.get('results', {}) raw_performances = result.get('performance', []) performances = [ Performance.from_api_data(data) for data in raw_performances ] meta = PerformanceMeta.from_api_data(response) return performances, meta
[docs] def get_performances(self, performance_ids, **kwargs): """Get performances with the given ID's Wraps `/f13/performances_by_id.v1`_ Args: performance_ids (list): list of performance IDs to fetch. **kwargs: see :meth: `add_optional_kwargs <pyticketswitch.client.Client.add_optional_kwargs>` for more info. Returns: dict, :class:`PerformanceMeta <pyticketswitch.performance.PerformanceMeta>`: :class:`Performances <pyticketswitch.performance.Performance>` indexed by performance ID and meta information about the performances. Raises: InvalidResponse: when the response is in an unexpected format. .. _`/f13/performances_by_id.v1`: """ params = { 'perf_id_list': ','.join(performance_ids), } self.add_optional_kwargs(params, **kwargs) response = self.make_request('performances_by_id.v1', params) if 'performances_by_id' not in response: raise exceptions.InvalidResponseError( "got no performances_by_id key in json response" ) raw_performances = response.get('performances_by_id', {}) performances = { performance_id: Performance.from_api_data(data) for performance_id, data in raw_performances.items() } meta = PerformanceMeta.from_api_data(response) return performances, meta
[docs] def get_performance(self, performance_id, **kwargs): """Get a specific performance by id Helper method to avoid having to do something like this lots of times:: >>> client.get_performances(['6IF-B1H'])['6IF-B1H'] <Performance 6IF-B1H: 2017-06-02T19:30:00+01:00> Instead this interface is much less stuttery:: >>> client.get_performance('6IF-B1H') <Performance 6IF-B1H: 2017-06-02T19:30:00+01:00> Args: performance_id (str): ID of the performance to retrieve **kwargs: see :meth: `add_optional_kwargs <pyticketswitch.client.Client.add_optional_kwargs>` for more info. Returns: :class:`Performance <pyticketswitch.event.Event>`, :class:`PerformanceMeta <pyticketswitch.performance.PerformanceMeta>`: the target Performance and meta information about the performance. will return :obj:`None` if the performance does not exist. """ performances, meta = self.get_performances([performance_id], **kwargs) return performances.get(performance_id), meta
[docs] def get_availability(self, performance_id, number_of_seats=None, discounts=False, example_seats=False, seat_blocks=False, user_commission=False, **kwargs): """Fetch available tickets and prices for a given performance Wraps `/f13/availability.v1`_ Args: performance_id (string): identifier of the target performance. number_of_seats (int): number of seats that we after, Defaults to :obj:`None`. discounts (bool): request all discount options for all price bands in response. Defaults to :obj:`False`. example_seats (bool): request example seats for seated events. Defaults to :obj:`False`. seat_blocks (bool): request seating information if available. Defaults to :obj:`False`. user_commission (bool): request user commission for each price band/discount. Defaults to :obj:`False` **kwargs: see :meth: `add_optional_kwargs <pyticketswitch.client.Client.add_optional_kwargs>` for more info. .. note:: setting **discounts** or the **user_commission** arguments to :obj:`True` will increase the response time of your request. Returns: list, :class:`AvailabilityMeta <pyticketswitch.availability.AvailabilityMeta>`: a list of :class:`TicketTypes <pyticketswitch.ticket_type.TicketType>` and and meta data about the response. Raises: BackendBrokenError: when the backend system is responding but may be under heavy load BackendDownError: when the backend system is not responding BackendThrottleError: when your call got throttled and timed out while waiting for a response. InvalidResponse: when the response is in an unexpected format. .. _`/f13/availability.v1`: """ params = {'perf_id': performance_id} if number_of_seats: params.update(no_of_seats=number_of_seats) if discounts: params.update(add_discounts=True) if example_seats: params.update(add_example_seats=True) if seat_blocks: params.update(add_seat_blocks=True) if user_commission: params.update(req_predicted_commission=True) self.add_optional_kwargs(params, **kwargs) response = self.make_request('availability.v1', params) if 'availability' not in response: raise exceptions.InvalidResponseError( "got no availability key in json response" ) meta = AvailabilityMeta.from_api_data(response) raw_availability = response.get('availability', {}) availability = [ TicketType.from_api_data(data) for data in raw_availability.get('ticket_type', []) ] return availability, meta
[docs] def get_send_methods(self, performance_id, **kwargs): """Fetch available delivery methods for a given performance Wraps `/f13/send_methods.v1`_ Args: performance_id (string): identifier of the target performance. **kwargs: see :meth: `add_optional_kwargs <pyticketswitch.client.Client.add_optional_kwargs>` for more info. Returns: list, :class:`CurrencyMeta <pyticketswitch.currency.CurrencyMeta>`: a list of :class:`SendMethods <pyticketswitch.send_method.SendMethod>` and information about the currencies of the prices in the response Raises: InvalidResponse: when the response is in an unexpected format. .. _`/f13/send_methods.v1`: """ params = {'perf_id': performance_id} self.add_optional_kwargs(params, **kwargs) response = self.make_request('send_methods.v1', params) if 'send_methods' not in response: raise exceptions.InvalidResponseError( "got no send_methods key in json response" ) raw_send_methods = response.get('send_methods', {}) send_methods = [ SendMethod.from_api_data(data) for data in raw_send_methods.get('send_method', []) ] meta = CurrencyMeta.from_api_data(response) return send_methods, meta
[docs] def get_discounts(self, performance_id, ticket_type_code, price_band_code, user_commission=False, **kwargs): """Fetch available discounts for a ticket_type/price band combination Wraps `/f13/discounts.v1`_ Args: performance_id (string): identifier of the target performance. ticket_type_code (string): code for the target ticket type. price_band_code (string): code for the target price band. user_commission (bool): if True then return the user_commission, otherwise do not return the user_commission. Defaults to False. **kwargs: see :meth: `add_optional_kwargs <pyticketswitch.client.Client.add_optional_kwargs>` for more info. Returns: list, :class:`CurrencyMeta <pyticketswitch.currency.CurrencyMeta>`: a list of :class:`Discounts <>` and information about the currencies of the prices in the response. Raises: InvalidResponse: when the response is in an unexpected format. .. _`/f13/discounts.v1`: """ params = { 'perf_id': performance_id, 'ticket_type_code': ticket_type_code, 'price_band_code': price_band_code, 'req_predicted_commission': user_commission, } self.add_optional_kwargs(params, **kwargs) response = self.make_request('discounts.v1', params) if 'discounts' not in response: raise exceptions.InvalidResponseError( "got no discounts key in json response" ) raw_discounts = response.get('discounts', {}) discounts = [ Discount.from_api_data(data) for data in raw_discounts.get('discount', []) ] meta = CurrencyMeta.from_api_data(response) return discounts, meta
def _trolley_params(self, token=None, number_of_seats=None, discounts=None, seats=None, send_codes=None, ticket_type_code=None, performance_id=None, price_band_code=None, item_numbers_to_remove=None, **kwargs): """Handle arguments common to the :meth:`Client.get_trolley <pyticketswitch.client.Client.get_trolley>` and the :meth:`Client.make_reservation <pyticketswitch.client.Client.make_reservation>` methods. These two methods accept identical arguments and these resolve to identical parameters. Args: token (string): trolley token from a previous trolley call. number_of_seats (int): number of seats to add to the trolley. discounts (list): list containing discount codes for each requested seat. seats (list): list of seat IDs. send_codes (dict): send codes indexed on backend source code. ticket_type_code: (string): code of ticket type to add to the trolley. performance_id: (string): id of the performance to add to the trolley. price_band_code: (string): code of price band to add to the trolley item_numbers_to_remove: (list): list of item numbers to remove from trolley. **kwargs: arbitary additional raw keyword arguments to add the parameters. Raises: InvalidParametersError: when there is an issue with the provided parameters. """ params = {} if token: params.update(trolley_token=token) if performance_id: params.update(perf_id=performance_id) # TODO: check if 0 is a legit number to be passing in here. # for the moment I'm assuming that it isn't if number_of_seats: params.update(no_of_seats=number_of_seats) if ticket_type_code: params.update(ticket_type_code=ticket_type_code) if price_band_code: params.update(price_band_code=price_band_code) if item_numbers_to_remove and not token: raise exceptions.InvalidParametersError( 'got item_numbers_to_remove but no token specified' ) if item_numbers_to_remove: params.update( remove_items_list=','.join( [str(item) for item in item_numbers_to_remove] ) ) if seats: params.update({ 'seat{}'.format(i): seat for i, seat in enumerate(seats) }) if discounts: params.update({ 'disc{}'.format(i): discount for i, discount in enumerate(discounts) }) if send_codes and not isinstance(send_codes, dict): raise exceptions.InvalidParametersError( 'send_codes should be a dictionary' 'in the format of `{source_code: send_code}`' ) if send_codes: params.update({ '{}_send_code'.format(source_code): send_code for source_code, send_code in send_codes.items() }) self.add_optional_kwargs(params, **kwargs) return params
[docs] def get_trolley(self, token=None, number_of_seats=None, discounts=None, seats=None, send_codes=None, ticket_type_code=None, performance_id=None, price_band_code=None, item_numbers_to_remove=None, raise_on_unavailable_order=False, **kwargs): """Retrieve the contents of a trolley from the API. Wraps `/f13/trolley.v1`_ Args: token (string): trolley token from a previous trolley call. number_of_seats (int): number of seats to add to the trolley. discounts (list): list containing discount codes for each requested seat. seats (list): list of seat IDs. send_codes (dict): send codes indexed on backend source code. ticket_type_code (string): code of ticket type to add to the trolley. performance_id (string): id of the performance to add to the trolley. price_band_code (string): code of price band to add to the trolley. item_numbers_to_remove (list): list of item numbers to remove from trolley. raise_on_unavailable_order (bool): When set to ``True`` this method will raise an exception when the API was not able to add an order to the trolley as it was unavailable. **kwargs: arbitary additional raw keyword arguments to add the parameters. Returns: :class:`Trolley <pyticketswitch.trolley.Trolley>`, :class:`CurrencyMeta <pyticketswitch.currency.CurrencyMeta>`: the contents of the trolley and meta data associated with the trolley. Raises: InvalidParametersError: when there is an issue with the provided parameters. OrderUnavailableError: when ``raise_on_unavailable_order`` is set to ``True`` and the requested addition to a trolley was unavailable. .. _`/f13/trolley.v1`: """ params = self._trolley_params( token=token, number_of_seats=number_of_seats, discounts=discounts, seats=seats, send_codes=send_codes, ticket_type_code=ticket_type_code, performance_id=performance_id, price_band_code=price_band_code, item_numbers_to_remove=item_numbers_to_remove, **kwargs) response = self.make_request('trolley.v1', params) trolley = Trolley.from_api_data(response) meta = CurrencyMeta.from_api_data(response) if raise_on_unavailable_order: if trolley and trolley.input_contained_unavailable_order: raise exceptions.OrderUnavailableError( "inputs contained unavailable order") return trolley, meta
[docs] def get_upsells(self, token=None, number_of_seats=None, discounts=None, seats=None, send_codes=None, ticket_type_code=None, performance_id=None, price_band_code=None, item_numbers_to_remove=None, **kwargs): """Retrieve a list of upsell events related to a trolley from the API. Upsell events are related to a main event but can be purchased separately. This call accepts a trolley token or any combination of parameters to create a valid trolley, but does not alter any existing trolley (it is idempotent). Wraps `/f13/upsells.v1`_ Args: token (string): trolley token from a previous trolley call. number_of_seats (int): trolley with number of seats added. discounts (list): list containing discount codes for each requested seat. seats (list): trolley with added list of seat IDs. send_codes (dict): send codes indexed on backend source code. ticket_type_code: (string): trolley with tickets of ticket type added. performance_id: (string): trolley with tickets from the specified performance added. price_band_code: (string): trolley with tickets from a specified price band added. item_numbers_to_remove: (list): trolley with a list of item numbers removed. **kwargs: arbitary additional raw keyword arguments to add the parameters. Returns: list, :class:`EventMeta <pyticketswitch.event.EventMeta>`: a list of :class:`Events <pyticketswitch.event.Event>` of related upsell events Raises: InvalidParametersError: when there is an issue with the provided parameters. InvalidResponse: when the response is in an unexpected format. .. _`/f13/upsells.v1`: """ params = self._trolley_params( token=token, number_of_seats=number_of_seats, discounts=discounts, seats=seats, send_codes=send_codes, ticket_type_code=ticket_type_code, performance_id=performance_id, price_band_code=price_band_code, item_numbers_to_remove=item_numbers_to_remove, **kwargs) response = self.make_request('upsells.v1', params) if 'results' not in response: raise exceptions.InvalidResponseError( "got no results key in JSON response" ) results = response.get('results', {}) raw_upsell_events = results.get('event', []) upsell_events = [ Event.from_api_data(data) for data in raw_upsell_events ] upsell_meta = EventMeta.from_api_data(response) return (upsell_events, upsell_meta)
[docs] def get_addons(self, token=None, number_of_seats=None, discounts=None, seats=None, send_codes=None, ticket_type_code=None, performance_id=None, price_band_code=None, item_numbers_to_remove=None, **kwargs): """Retrieve a list of add-on events from the API. Wraps `/f13/add_ons.v1`_ Args: token (string): trolley token from a previous trolley call. number_of_seats (int): trolley with number of seats added. discounts (list): list containing discount codes for each requested seat. seats (list): trolley with added list of seat IDs. send_codes (dict): send codes indexed on backend source code. ticket_type_code: (string): trolley with tickets of ticket type added. performance_id: (string): trolley with tickets from the specified performance added. price_band_code: (string): trolley with tickets from a specified price band added. item_numbers_to_remove: (list): trolley with a list of item numbers removed. **kwargs: arbitrary additional raw keyword arguments to add to the parameters. Returns: list, :class:`EventMeta <pyticketswitch.event.EventMeta>`: a list of :class:`Events <pyticketswitch.event.Event>` of add-on events Raises: InvalidParametersError: when there is an issue with the provided parameters. InvalidResponse: when the response is in an unexpected format. .. _`/f13/add_ons.v1`: """ params = self._trolley_params( token=token, number_of_seats=number_of_seats, discounts=discounts, seats=seats, send_codes=send_codes, ticket_type_code=ticket_type_code, performance_id=performance_id, price_band_code=price_band_code, item_numbers_to_remove=item_numbers_to_remove, **kwargs) response = self.make_request('add_ons.v1', params) if 'results' not in response: raise exceptions.InvalidResponseError( "got no results key in json response" ) add_on_results = response.get('results', {}) raw_add_on_events = add_on_results.get('event', []) add_on_events = [ Event.from_api_data(data) for data in raw_add_on_events ] add_on_meta = EventMeta.from_api_data(response) return (add_on_events, add_on_meta)
[docs] def make_reservation(self, token=None, number_of_seats=None, discounts=None, seats=None, send_codes=None, ticket_type_code=None, performance_id=None, price_band_code=None, item_numbers_to_remove=None, raise_on_unavailable_order=False, **kwargs): """Attempt to reserve all the items in the given trolley Wraps `/f13/reserve.v1`_ This method will take all the same arguments as :func:`get_trolley <pyticketswitch.client.Client.get_trolley>`. You can either build a trolley via the :func:`get_trolley <pyticketswitch.client.Client.get_trolley>` method and pass the returned trolley token into the reservation call, or alternatively you can provide the trolley parameters directly to this method. .. note:: If you are interested in bundling multiple orders into a single purchase then see the :ref:`Bundling <bundling>` documentation for more details. Args: token (string): trolley token from a previous trolley call. number_of_seats (int): number of seats to add to the trolley. discounts (list): list containing discount codes for each requested seat. seats (list): list of seat id's. send_codes (dict): send codes indexed on backend source code. ticket_type_code: (string): code of ticket type to add to the trolley. performance_id: (string): id of the performance to add to the trolley. price_band_code: (string): code of price band to add to the trolley item_numbers_to_remove: (list): list of item numbers to remove from trolley. raise_on_unavailable_order (bool): When set to ``True`` this method will raise an exception when the API was not able to add an order to the trolley as it was unavailable. **kwargs: arbitary additional raw keyword arguments to add the parameters. Returns: :class:`Reservation <pyticketswitch.reservation.Reservation>`, :class:`CurrencyMeta <pyticketswitch.currency.CurrencyMeta>`: Information about the reservation and meta data asscociated with the reservation. Raises: InvalidParametersError: when there is an issue with the provided parameters. OrderUnavailableError: when ``raise_on_unavailable_order`` is set to ``True`` and the requested addition to a trolley was unavailable. .. _`/f13/reserve.v1`: """ params = self._trolley_params( token=token, number_of_seats=number_of_seats, discounts=discounts, seats=seats, send_codes=send_codes, ticket_type_code=ticket_type_code, performance_id=performance_id, price_band_code=price_band_code, item_numbers_to_remove=item_numbers_to_remove, **kwargs) response = self.make_request('reserve.v1', params, method=POST) return self.process_reservation_response(response, raise_on_unavailable_order)
[docs] def release_reservation(self, transaction_uuid, **kwargs): """Release an existing reservation. Wraps `/f13/release.v1`_ Args: transaction_uuid (str): the identifier of the reservaiton. **kwargs: arbitary additional raw keyword arguments to add the parameters. Returns: bool: :obj:`True` if the reservation was successfully released otherwise :obj:`False`. .. _`/f13/release.v1`: """ params = {'transaction_uuid': transaction_uuid} kwargs.update(params) response = self.make_request('release.v1', kwargs, method=POST) return response.get('released_ok', False)
[docs] def get_reservation(self, transaction_uuid, raise_on_unavailable_order=False, **kwargs): """ This method retrieves a previously made reservation response, verbatim. It is faster than the `get_status` method as it is not getting the status of the reservation, it is simply retrieving the previously sent reservation response, verbatim. Reservation responses are held for 24 hours, this exceeds the length of time that reservations are valid for. Do not interpret this response as meaning that a reservation is still being held as it is simply a copy of the original reservation response. Wraps `/f13/reserve_page_archive.v1`_ Args: transaction_uuid (string): transaction UUID from a previous reservation call. raise_on_unavailable_order (bool): When set to ``True`` this method will raise an exception when the API was not able to add an order to the trolley as it was unavailable. **kwargs: arbitary additional raw keyword arguments to add the parameters. These will be ignored. Returns: :class:`Reservation <pyticketswitch.reservation.Reservation>`, :class:`CurrencyMeta <pyticketswitch.currency.CurrencyMeta>`: Information about the reservation and meta data asscociated with the reservation. Raises: InvalidParametersError: when there is an issue with the provided parameters. OrderUnavailableError: when ``raise_on_unavailable_order`` is set to ``True`` and the requested addition to a trolley was unavailable. .. _`/f13/reserve_page_archive.v1`: """ params = {"transaction_uuid": transaction_uuid} response = self.make_request('reserve_page_archive.v1', params, method=GET) return self.process_reservation_response(response, raise_on_unavailable_order)
[docs] def get_status(self, transaction_uuid=None, transaction_id=None, customer=False, external_sale_page=False, **kwargs): """Get the status of reservation, purchase or transaction. .. note:: The **transaction_id** field is for backwards compatability with the old XML API. You can use either **transaction_id** or **transaction_uuid**, however please use the **transaction_uuid** as **transaction_id** will be deprecated shortly. Wraps `/f13/status.v1`_ Args: transaction_uuid (str): identifier for the transaction. transaction_id (str): identifier for the old transaction ids. Note: one of these two must be set. customer (bool): include customer information if available. Defaults to :obj:`False`. external_sale_page (bool): include the saved html of the sale/confirmation page if you asked us to save it for you. Defaults to :obj:`None` **kwargs: arbitary keyword parameters to pass directly to the API. Returns: :class:`Status <pyticketswitch.status.Status>`, :class:`CurrencyMeta <pyticketswitch.currency.CurrencyMeta>`: the current status of the transaction and acompanying meta information. .. _`/f13/status.v1`: """ params = {} if customer: params.update(add_customer=True) if external_sale_page: params.update(add_external_sale_page=True) self.add_optional_kwargs(params, **kwargs) if transaction_id: params.update(transaction_id=transaction_id) response = self.make_request('trans_id_status.v1', params) else: params.update(transaction_uuid=transaction_uuid) response = self.make_request('status.v1', params) status = Status.from_api_data(response) meta = CurrencyMeta.from_api_data(response) return status, meta
[docs] def make_purchase(self, transaction_uuid, customer, payment_method=None, send_confirmation_email=True, agent_reference=None, **kwargs): """Purchase tickets for an existing reservation. Wraps `/f13/purchase.v1`_ Args: transaction_uuid (str): the identifier of the existing reservation/transaction customer: `Customer <pyticketswitch.customer.Customer>` information. payment_method: the customer's payment details. Can be :class:`CardDetails <pyticketswitch.payment_methods.CardDetails>` or :class: `RedirectionDetails <pyticketswitch.payment_methods.RedirectionDetails>`. send_confirmation_email (bool): on a successful purchase, when this parameter is :obj:`True`, then we will send the customer a confirmation email. If you would prefer to send your own confirmation email then you can set this parameter to :obj:`False`. agent_reference (str): an optional custom transaction reference to be stored in the Ingresso platform **kwargs: arbitrary keyword arguments to send with the request. Returns: :class:`Status <pyticketswitch.status.Status>`, :class:`Callout <pyticketswitch.callout.Callout>`: the current status of the transaction and/or a potential callout to redirect the customer to. This method should only ever return either a status or a callout, never both. If this method generates a :class:`Callout <pyticketswitch.callout.Callout>` then the customer should be redirected to the specified third party payment provider. See :ref:`Handling callouts <handling_callouts>` for more information. .. _`/f13/purchase.v1`: """ params = {'transaction_uuid': transaction_uuid} if send_confirmation_email: params.update(send_confirmation_email=True) customer_params = customer.as_api_parameters() if customer_params: params.update(customer_params) if payment_method: params.update(payment_method.as_api_parameters()) if agent_reference: params.update(agent_reference=agent_reference) params.update(kwargs) response = self.make_request('purchase.v1', params, method=POST) return self.process_purchase_response(response)
[docs] def get_purchase(self, transaction_uuid, **kwargs): """ This method retrieves a previously made purchase response, verbatim. It is faster than the `get_status` method as it is not getting the status of the purchase, it is simply retrieving the previously sent purchase response, verbatim. Purchase responses are held for one year. Do not interpret this response as meaning that a purchase has not been cancelled as it is simply a copy of the original purchase response. Wraps `/f13/purchase_page_archive.v1`_ Args: transaction_uuid (string): transaction UUID from a previous purchase call. **kwargs: arbitary additional raw keyword arguments to add the parameters (these will be ignored). Returns: :class:`Status <pyticketswitch.status.Status>`, :class:`Callout <pyticketswitch.callout.Callout>`: the current status of the transaction and/or a potential callout to redirect the customer to. This method should only ever return either a status or a callout, never both. If this method generates a :class:`Callout <pyticketswitch.callout.Callout>` then the customer should be redirected to the specified third party payment provider. See :ref:`Handling callouts <handling_callouts>` for more information. .. _`/f13/purchase_page_archive.v1`: """ params = {"transaction_uuid": transaction_uuid} response = self.make_request('purchase_page_archive.v1', params, method=GET) return self.process_purchase_response(response)
[docs] def next_callout(self, this_token, next_token, returned_data, **kwargs): """Gets the next callout in a callout chain. Wraps `/f13/callback.v1`_ At the end of the callout chain the call will return the status of the transaction. See :ref:`Handling callouts <handling_callouts>` for more information. Args: this_token (str): the token for the current redirect. next_token (str): the token for the potential next redirect. returned_data (dict): dictionary of query string paramters appended to your return url. **kwargs: arbitary keyword arguments to send with the request. Returns: :class:`Status <pyticketswitch.status.Status>`, :class:`Callout <pyticketswitch.callout.Callout>`: the current status of the transaction and/or a potential callout to redirect the customer to. This method should only ever return either a status or a callout, never both. .. _`/f13/callback.v1`: """ endpoint = "callback.v1/this.{}/next.{}".format(this_token, next_token) params = returned_data params.update(kwargs) response = self.make_request(endpoint, params, method=POST) callout_data = response.get('callout') if callout_data: status = None callout = Callout.from_api_data(callout_data) else: callout = None status = Status.from_api_data(response) meta = CurrencyMeta.from_api_data(response) return status, callout, meta
def process_reservation_response(self, response, raise_on_unavailable_order): reservation = Reservation.from_api_data(response) meta = CurrencyMeta.from_api_data(response) if raise_on_unavailable_order: if reservation and reservation.input_contained_unavailable_order: raise exceptions.OrderUnavailableError( "inputs contained unavailable order", reservation=reservation, meta=meta) return reservation, meta def process_purchase_response(self, response): callout_data = response.get('callout') if callout_data: status = None callout = Callout.from_api_data(callout_data) else: callout = None status = Status.from_api_data(response) meta = CurrencyMeta.from_api_data(response) return status, callout, meta
[docs] def cancel_purchase(self, transaction_uuid, cancel_items_list=None, **kwargs): """Attempt cancellation of item numbers from the transaction, specified in `cancel_items_list`. If there is no `cancel_items_list` then attempt cancellation of entire transaction. Wraps `/f13/cancel.v1`_ Args: transaction_uuid (str): identifier for the transaction. cancel_items_list (list): a list of item numbers to cancel. **kwargs: arbitary keyword parameters to pass directly to the API. Returns: :class:`CancellationResult <pyticketswitch.cancellation.CancellationResult>`, :class:`CurrencyMeta <pyticketswitch.currency.CurrencyMeta>`: the result of the attempted cancellation and the accompanying meta information. .. _`/f13/cancel.v1`: """ params = { "transaction_uuid": transaction_uuid, } if cancel_items_list: params.update(cancel_items_list=",".join(map(str, cancel_items_list))) self.add_optional_kwargs(params, **kwargs) response = self.make_request('cancel.v1', params, method=POST) result = CancellationResult.from_api_data(response) meta = CurrencyMeta.from_api_data(response) return result, meta