Source code for pyticketswitch.month

import datetime

from pyticketswitch.misc import MONTH_NUMBERS
from pyticketswitch.cost_range import CostRange
from pyticketswitch.mixins import JSONMixin
from pyticketswitch.utils import bitmask_to_numbered_list

[docs]class Month(JSONMixin, object): """Availability summary data for a given month Attributes: month (int): number of the month, jan == 1, feb == 2, dec == 12, etc. year (int): year of the month. eg. 2014, 2015, 2016. description (str): the human readable description of the month. cost_range (:class:`CostRange <pyticketswitch.cost_range.CostRange>`): pricing summary, may also include offers. no_singles_cost_range (:class:`CostRange <pyticketswitch.cost_range.CostRange>`): pricing summary when no leaving single seats, may also include offers. """ def __init__(self, month, year, description=None, dates_bitmask=None, weekday_bitmask=None, cost_range=None, no_singles_cost_range=None): self.month = month self.year = year self.description = description self._dates_bitmask = dates_bitmask self._weekday_bitmask = weekday_bitmask self.cost_range = cost_range self.no_singles_cost_range = no_singles_cost_range @classmethod def from_api_data(cls, data): api_cost_range = data.get('cost_range', {}) api_no_singles_cost_range = api_cost_range.get( 'no_singles_cost_range', {}) cost_range = None no_singles_cost_range = None if api_cost_range: cost_range = CostRange.from_api_data(api_cost_range) if api_no_singles_cost_range: no_singles_cost_range = CostRange.from_api_data( api_no_singles_cost_range) kwargs = { 'cost_range': cost_range, 'no_singles_cost_range': no_singles_cost_range, 'month': MONTH_NUMBERS.get(data.get('month')), 'year': data.get('year'), 'description': data.get('month_desc'), 'dates_bitmask': data.get('month_dates_bitmask'), 'weekday_bitmask': data.get('month_weekdays_bitmask'), } return cls(**kwargs)
[docs] def is_available(self, day): """Indicates if the event has availability on a given day. the dates bitmask is a 32 bit int where the right most bit is the first day of the month. To find if we have availability on a specfic day, we bit shift the mask by the zero indexed day and AND it by 1. If the result is a 1 then this combo of ticket type and price band is available on that day, otherwise it is not. Args: day (int): the day of the month. Returns: bool: :obj:`True` there is availability on the given day. Otherwise :obj:`False`. """ return bool(self._dates_bitmask >> (day - 1) & 1)
[docs] def on_weekday(self, day): """Indicates if the event has availability on a given day of the week. Check if the month has shows available on a given day of the week, where 0 is monday and sunday is 6. .. note:: the api uses sunday as day 0 where as python uses monday. I've made a concious decision here to use the python numbers to keep it consistent with anything written against this. (also a sunday day 0 is silly). FIXME: this is copied directly from the AvailabilityDetails class. Perhaps worth breaking this out to common base or mixin class? Args: day (int): the day of the week. monday = 0, tuesday = 1, sunday = 6. Returns: bool: :obj:`True` there is availability on the given day. Otherwise :obj:`False`. """ adjusted_day = day + 1 if day < 6 else 0 return bool(self._weekday_bitmask >> adjusted_day & 1)
def start_date(self): num_list = bitmask_to_numbered_list(self._dates_bitmask) if not num_list: return first_day = num_list[0] howdy =, month=self.month, day=first_day) return howdy def end_date(self): num_list = bitmask_to_numbered_list(self._dates_bitmask) if not num_list: return last_day = num_list[-1] howdy =, month=self.month, day=last_day) return howdy