Source code for pyticketswitch.performance

from pyticketswitch import utils
from pyticketswitch.cost_range import CostRange
from pyticketswitch.availability import AvailabilityDetails
from pyticketswitch.mixins import JSONMixin, PaginationMixin
from pyticketswitch.currency import CurrencyMeta

[docs]class Performance(JSONMixin, object): """Describes and occurance of an :class:`Event <pyticketswitch.event.Event>`. The performance will have either a **date_time** or a **name**. .. note:: The **date_time** field is a timezone aware datetime and it is localised for the venue and not the user. Attributes: id (str): identifier for the performance. event_id (str): identifier for the event. date_time (:obj:`datetime.datetime`): the localised date and time for the performance. date_description (str): a human readable description of the date of the performance. time_description (str): a human readable description of the time of the performance. has_pool_seats (bool): the performance has pool seats available. is_limited (bool): the performance has limited availability. cached_max_seats (int): This should not be used. Earlier versions of the documentation implied that it held a meaningful value for the availability, but this is not true, and the attribute was not always present. If you are using it then you should stop, and switch to cost range data instead if you still want cached availability data. For the time being the value will be one million instead of being absent entirely if the data is not available. cached_max_seats_is_real (bool): A boolean indicating whether the data in the previous variable is actually real or not. Can be used whilst migrating away from using it. cost_range (:class:`CostRange <pyticketswitch.cost_range.CostRange>`): pricing summary, may also include offers. no_singles_cost_range (:class:`CostRange <pyticketswitch.cost_range.CostRange>`): pricing summary when no leaving single seats, may also include offers. is_ghost (bool): the performance is a ghost performance and is nolonger available. name (str): the name of the performance. running_time (int): the number of minutes the performance is expected to run for. availability_details (:class:`AvailabilityDetails <pyticketswitch.availability.AvailabilityDetails>`): summerised availability data for the performance. This data is cached from previous availability calls and may not be accurate. """ def __init__(self, id_, event_id, date_time=None, date_description=None, time_description=None, has_pool_seats=False, is_limited=False, cached_max_seats=None, cached_max_seats_is_real=None, cost_range=None, no_singles_cost_range=None, is_ghost=False, name=None, running_time=None, availability_details=None): = id_ self.event_id = event_id self.date_time = date_time self.date_description = date_description self.time_description = time_description self.has_pool_seats = has_pool_seats self.is_limited = is_limited self.cached_max_seats = cached_max_seats self.cached_max_seats_is_real = cached_max_seats_is_real self.cost_range = cost_range self.no_singles_cost_range = no_singles_cost_range self.is_ghost = is_ghost = name self.running_time = running_time self.availability_details = availability_details
[docs] @classmethod def from_api_data(cls, data): """Creates a new **Performance** object from API data from ticketswitch. Args: data (dict): the part of the response from a ticketswitch API call that concerns a performance. Returns: :class:`Performance <pyticketswitch.order.Performance>`: a new :class:`Performance <pyticketswitch.order.Performance>` object populated with the data from the api. """ id_ = data.get('perf_id') event_id = data.get('event_id') date_time = data.get('iso8601_date_and_time') if date_time: date_time = utils.isostr_to_datetime(date_time) date_desc = data.get('date_desc') time_desc = data.get('time_desc') api_cost_range = data.get('cost_range', {}) api_no_singles_cost_range = api_cost_range.get('no_singles_cost_range', {}) cost_range = None no_singles_cost_range = None if api_cost_range: api_cost_range['singles'] = True cost_range = CostRange.from_api_data(api_cost_range) if api_no_singles_cost_range: api_no_singles_cost_range['singles'] = False no_singles_cost_range = CostRange.from_api_data( api_no_singles_cost_range) availability_details = AvailabilityDetails.from_api_data( data.get('avail_details', {})) kwargs = { 'id_': id_, 'event_id': event_id, 'date_time': date_time, 'date_description': date_desc, 'time_description': time_desc, 'running_time': data.get('running_time'), 'name': data.get('perf_name'), 'has_pool_seats': data.get('has_pool_seats', False), 'is_limited': data.get('is_limited', False), 'is_ghost': data.get('is_ghost', False), 'cached_max_seats': data.get('cached_max_seats'), 'cost_range': cost_range, 'no_singles_cost_range': no_singles_cost_range, 'availability_details': availability_details, } return cls(**kwargs)
def __repr__(self): if self.date_time: return u'<Performance {}: {}>'.format(, self.date_time.isoformat()) return u'<Performance {}>'.format(
[docs]class PerformanceMeta(PaginationMixin, CurrencyMeta, object): """ PerformanceMeta contains meta information about a list of :class:`Performances <pyticketswitch.performance.Performance>`. Attributes: auto_select (bool): indicates that the performance list will contain only one performance and this performance should be automatically selected for the customer. See :ref:`Events that don't need performance selection <events_that_dont_need_performance_selection>` for more information. has_names: (bool): indicates that the related performances have names """ def __init__(self, auto_select=False, has_names=False, *args, **kwargs): self.auto_select = auto_select self.has_names = has_names super(PerformanceMeta, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def from_api_data(cls, data): """Creates a new **PerformanceMeta** object from API data from ticketswitch. Args: data (dict): the part of the response from a ticketswitch API call that concerns some performance meta data. Returns: :class:`PerformanceMeta <pyticketswitch.order.PerformanceMeta>`: a new :class:`PerformanceMeta <pyticketswitch.order.PerformanceMeta>` object populated with the data from the api. """ inst = super(PerformanceMeta, cls).from_api_data(data) inst.auto_select = data.get('autoselect_this_performance', False) inst.has_names = data.get('results', {}).get('has_perf_names', False) return inst