Source code for pyticketswitch.utils

import functools
import warnings

from datetime import date, datetime
from dateutil import parser
from decimal import Decimal
from pyticketswitch.exceptions import InvalidParametersError

[docs]def date_range_str(start_date, end_date): """Convert a set of dates to string readable by the API Args: start_date ( the start of the date range. end_date ( the end of the date range. Returns: str: a date range in the format of "YYYYMMDD:YYYYMMDD". Missing either or both dates is acceptable and will return "YYYYMMDD:", ":YYYYMMDD", ":". Raises: InvalidParametersError: when a start_date or end_date is specified and it is not a object. """ if start_date and not isinstance(start_date, date): raise InvalidParametersError("start_date is not a datetime instance") if end_date and not isinstance(end_date, date): raise InvalidParametersError("end_date is not a datetime instance") if start_date: start_date = start_date.strftime('%Y%m%d') else: start_date = '' if end_date: end_date = end_date.strftime('%Y%m%d') else: end_date = '' if start_date or end_date: date_range = '{}:{}'.format(start_date, end_date) else: date_range = '' return date_range
[docs]def isostr_to_datetime(date_str): """Convert an iso datetime string to a :py:class:`datetime.datetime` object. Args: date_str (str): the string to convert. Returns: :py:class:`datetime.datetime`: the python representation of the date and time. Raises: ValueError: when the date_str is empty or None. """ if not date_str: raise ValueError('{} is not a valid datetime string'.format(date_str)) dt = parser.parse(date_str) return dt
[docs]def yyyymmdd_to_date(date_str): """Convert a YYYYMMDDD formated date to python :py:class:`` object. Args: date_str (str): the string to convert. Returns: :py:class:``: the python representation of the date. Raises: ValueError: when the date_str is empty or None. """ if not date_str: raise ValueError('{} is not a valid datetime string'.format(date_str)) date = datetime.strptime(date_str, '%Y%m%d') if date: return
[docs]def specific_dates_from_api_data(dates): MONTHS = { 'jan': 1, 'feb': 2, 'mar': 3, 'apr': 4, 'may': 5, 'jun': 6, 'jul': 7, 'aug': 8, 'sep': 9, 'oct': 10, 'nov': 11, 'dec': 12, } return [ date(int(year.split('_')[1]), MONTHS.get(month), int(day.split('_')[1])) for year, months in dates.items() if year.startswith('year_') for month, days in months.items() for day, valid in days.items() if valid is True ]
[docs]def bitmask_to_boolean_list(mask): """Convert a bitmask to boolean list Args: mask (int): the mask returned by the API Returns: list: list of booleans. """ of_length = max(1, mask.bit_length()) return [ bool(mask >> i & 1) for i in range(of_length) ]
[docs]def bitmask_to_numbered_list(mask): """Convert a bitmask to a numbered list Args: mask (int): the mask returned by the API Returns: list: list of integers """ if mask is None: return [] return [ i+1 for i in range(mask.bit_length() + 1) if bool(mask >> i & 1) ]
[docs]def get_price(data, key): """Extracts a price as a float from some data Args: data (dict): the data containing the price key (str): the key of the target price. Returns: float: the price as a float. When the dictionary is missing the requested key, returns :obj:`None` """ price = data.get(key) if price is not None: price = float(price) return price
[docs]def add_prices(*prices): """Adds two or more prices together Args: *prices: Prices to add together. They, can be a :py:class:`float`, :py:class:`int`, :py:class:`Decimal <decimal.Decimal>` or :py:class:`str` Returns: :class:`Decimal <decimal.Decimal>`, str, float or int. The sum of the prices, using the most specific of these types that is used in the input arguments, where specificity is in the order - :py:class:`Decimal <decimal.Decimal>` - :py:class:`str` - :py:class:`float` - :py:class:`int` Raises: TypeError: when fewer than 2 prices are provided decimal.InvalidOperation: when the string representation of an argument cannot be parsed as a decimal """ if len(prices) < 2: raise TypeError( 'add_prices expected at least 2 arguments, got {}'.format(len(prices)) ) converted = [ Decimal(str(price)) if price is not None else None for price in prices ] combined = sum(converted) if any(isinstance(price, Decimal) for price in prices): return Decimal(combined) if any(isinstance(price, str) for price in prices): return str(combined) if any(isinstance(price, float) for price in prices): return float(combined) return int(combined)
[docs]def filter_none_from_parameters(params): """Removes parameters whos value is :obj:None Args: params (dict): dictionary of parameters to be passed to the API. Returns: dict: the original parameters with any parameters whos value was :obj:`None` removed. """ return { key: value for key, value in params.items() if value is not None }
[docs]def deprecation_warning(message, stacklevel=2): warnings.simplefilter('always', DeprecationWarning) # turn off filter warnings.warn(message, category=DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=stacklevel) warnings.simplefilter('default', DeprecationWarning) # reset filter
[docs]def deprecated(func): """Mark a function as deprecated and raise a warning This decorator is used to mark functions as deprecated. It will result in a warning being emitted when the function is called. Args: func: the function to be wrapped Returns: the wrapped function that raises a warning """ @functools.wraps(func) def wrapped_func(*args, **kwargs): deprecation_warning( "Call to deprecated function {}".format(func.__name__) ) return func(*args, **kwargs) # Mark the function as deprecated wrapped_func.is_deprecated = True return wrapped_func